As a Winemakers Guild we believe it's important to share our love of winemaking. To this end we run several courses to help people in their winemaking journey.
As a Winemakers Guild we believe it's important to share our love of winemaking. To this end we run several courses to help people in their winemaking journey.
Creation Date: Friday June 24th 2022
Last Updated: Sunday January 28th 2024
Please email to register your interest in our next course
Mead, or honey wine, is the world's oldest alcoholic beverage. Characterized by the use of honey as the primary fermentable sugar, this course explores how to brew modern meads.
Over the 3 sessions, you will join your instructors and fellow meadmakers, follow the instructors as they take you through the notes and, over the sessions, you will make your first mead.
We will work through each step in the workshops then get together to share samples of our mead.
Fill out the Enrolment Form and email it to:
** Click here for the Introduction to Meadmaking Enrolment Form ** CLASS FULL
Creation Date: Thursday July 13th 2023
Last Updated: Saturday December 9th 2023
If you've ever thought about having a go at making beer - this is your chance to check it out.
EDWG member Anne Shea (state champion amateur homebrewer) is holding a beer making demonstration for Guild Members.
There is a limit of 8 participants for this course.
When? Sunday July 20th
Where? Anne's kitchen
Cost? Free + a contribution towards lunch
To Enrol - email
About our tutor: Anne Shea
Anne is a writer and an award-winning 'boozemaking enthusiast'. She tries to make good things in a small space. An interest in making preserves, bread, ginger beer and kombucha, led her to making mead, then wine, cider, beer ... and more. She's a state champion amateur homebrewer, a national mead judge, and an asociate director organising Australia's national homebrewing conference.
Check out her website - filled with recipes and wisdom - and sign up for her Booze News.
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Creation Date: Friday March 31st 2023
Last Updated: Friday March 31st 2023
This course will be a happy/tasty/educational blend of art and science.
You will discuss different wine styles and how they are made. Back to basics, you will look at what you taste and smell in wine and what ‘balance’ means in quality wine. You will smell and taste basic wine components and educate your palate as you learn to appreciate the magic of wine composition. The great thing is that no-one is ever wrong in what they say about wine – we each appreciate different facets – but one session will be spent on wine faults.
Each week, you will share 4 bottles. Participants will be rostered, under Karen’s direction, to bring the wines.
There is a strict limit of 12 participants for this course.
8 sessions – Weekly – Tuesday evenings: 7.30 – 9.30 May 2nd - June 20th.
About our tutor: Karen Coulston
Karen has a background in (and love of) chemistry. She got into winemaking when she, and her husband Laurie, purchased a property with a (poorly producing) vineyard – and proceeded to improve the quality and production of their grapes. It prompted her to undertake a degree in Wine Science.
She built up the Hills of Plenty label, and started to assist other small winemakers with their processes – becoming a vintner and consultant to winemakers. During this time, she was invited to run a short course in Wine Analysis at (the then) NMIT – allowing her chemistry and winemaking to come together.
She designed a course to take a group of up to 12 members along a pathway to the appreciation of wine types and qualities, and the importance of good winemaking, traditional or innovative. It is on this course, that our current course is based
Fill out the enrolment form and email it to:
** Click here for the Wine Appreciation Enrolment Form
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Creation Date: Friday January 27th 2023
Last Updated: Friday January 27th 2023
Learn about the art of winemaking using a fruit available throughout the year - raspberries (the frozen kind).
The techniques taught can be applied to all types of winemaking, and there will be EDWG Member mentors available to help when needed.
Over the 3 sessions, you will join your instructors and fellow winemakers, follow the instructors as they take you through the notes and, over the sessions, you will make your first wine.
We will work through each step in the sessions and enjoy samples of different wines that can be made from local produce along the way.
Fill out the Enrolment Form and email it to:
** Click here for the Introduction to Winemaking Enrolment Form
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